I asked for…

If you are short of time, just read the highlighted lines (In bold) below:

I asked for…

Loneliness with silence…
A world without war…
Blood that is young and Fast…
A heart without secrets…
A relationship that does not prick life…
One drop of pure water…
Words that don’t hurt…
Live according to ones age…
Clouds without thunder…
Lust that doesn’t spoil the youth…

Love that is wide…
Affection without evil intentions…
Snowflakes in the tip of grass…
A bed in the tip of a flower…
Eyes that sleep in the morning…
Fingers that caress through the hair…
Skin that can get drenched in the rain…
The song of a blue(black) Koel…
Lush green grass to roll over…
A moon which we can touch and sleep…
Flying fish that can be caught…
Sleep that can forget misery…
Pleasant dreams that give aroma to sleep…
One dawn for the whole world…
Flowers that can live for ages…
Similar thoughts for all the people…
A language for the birds…
Uniform rains throughout the world…
A river for every place…
A sky filled with full moon…
Heaven while still living…
Thoughts that are uplifting…
Poetry like the burning fire…
Realization that is beyond tears…
A vision that is beyond lust…
Freedom in the flowing winds…
Wings like that of a sparrow…
Rain to fall on the fore-head…
River to wet the toes…
A lesson that is worth learning…
The sky that is there for the birds…
A friendship without being betrayed…
Wealth that doesn’t bring shivers…
A full day inside a flower…
Enjoying the music of the rain…
Taking bath in a river on moon…
To feel the smell of sandal…
To fall like a shadow…
To cry like the rain…
Unity to live within me…
Lips that always smile…
A sun like the snow flakes…
Snow flakes like the sun…
The sword of Raja Raja Cholan (A Tamil King)…
The pen of Thiruvalluvar (A Tamil poet)…
The words of the Poet Bharathiyar (A Tamil Poet)…
The arrows of Parthiban (?)
The flute of Lord Krishna…
The parrot of Goddess Madurai Meenakshi…
Food that is earned through hard work…
Affection to taste with the food…
Purity like the rain…
Humbleness of the grass…
Bravery of the storm…
Shoulders that can stand the lightning…
A Heart that can take a bad name…
Power that can brave betrayal…
Patience that is not lost…
A heart that listens to the mind…
The force that can die at will…
Eyes that recognize cheats…
Legs that can walk through time…
Failures that are small…
A wound that can heal fast…

Faces that are not covered…
A smile that is not false…

Mother’s milk when I was crawling…
Some toys when I was young…
Books when I was five…
A pen to be my sixth finger…
Empathy instead of money…
Mother’s lap instead of a pillow…
Living like a parrot in a cage…
The littlest Love…

But I never got anything that I asked… (Obviously 🙂 )

Ok, I am not asking all these things. Ajith Kumar is asking all these things in a Tamil song, which is given below. If you have come this far 😀 then listen to the below song as well, nice one…


You could visit the ‘Poems’ section of this blog, to read similar articles.

Destination Infinity

PS: Vishesh, I tried to beat your poem length at least on a translated poem… But it was not possible 😀

23 thoughts on “I asked for…

  1. Vimmuuu

    Awesome lyrics, right ? and SPBs voice !! Ajit is the only actor in the present crop who lip syncs well for songs. dont you think so? (sollaamal thottu is another example)

  2. Rakesh

    Made me wonder, what I asked for 😉

  3. vishesh unni raghuna

    I love this song… 🙂

    Ha but my longest poem is about 9 pages i think 🙂

    1. sakhi

      😯 Are you serious???

  4. oorja

    i absolutely love this song.. and the way it is sung in one breath.. and how it changes tones… love it. and the meaning is most beautiful…

  5. kanagu

    Its an awesome song… and I love everything about that song… music, lines and acting… 🙂 its a poem written by Vairamuthu long back and Saran has picked it up and took lines he wanted for the song… there were 81 lines I think.. 🙂

  6. sakhi

    Cool lyrics 🙂

    1. sakhi

      But isn't it a bit too much to ask for 😀 (j/k)

  7. Kislay

    Awesome lyrics 🙂

  8. Ashwathy

    initially i was about to ask from WHERE did u get such wonderful phrases… then finally my gaze came to rest on the song!
    its one of the songs i really like… ajith has performed well. the song is also lovely and they have picturised it well to.
    beautiful lyrics….!

  9. Indyeah

    beautiful lyrics..make one think…

    thanks for sharing…

  10. Poonam

    I loved the lyrics, thanks for sharing. 🙂

  11. Amit

    The lyrics are beautiful!

  12. Rajkumar

    your blog is very interesting.I like to add you in my blog roll
    I welcome you to my blog,leave your valuable comments and your link back is welcomed……….

  13. Destination Infinity

    Hi People,

    Thanks for your comments, and I didn't want to reply individually for the comments on this post as it is a translated work. Hope its ok.

    Destination Infinity

  14. An alien Earthling

    This is a fabulous song! Thanks for the beautiful translation!

  15. Winnie the Poohi

    Awesome lyrics! now I have to go home and listen to the song 😀

  16. Destination Infinity

    @Alien earthling: Thanks.

    @Winnie: Do. It's a nice song to listen as well.

    Destination Infinity

  17. KS.Pugalendhi
    KS.Pugalendhi says:

    I have a funny version of this song. How to forward it to you ?

  18. jerly

    The twist in the end was good apart from that some of the lines I liked too

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