Data Transfer

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Data Transfer

CP1: “How Do you do?”

CP2: “How Do you do?”

CP1: “Great. So, we speak the same language. Are you online?”

CP2: “Yes”

CP1: “Been searching for quite a while, before I was able to locate you”

CP2: “I See”

CP1: “SO, what’s your name”

CP2: “Virus”

CP1: “Thats your name?”

CP2: “Yeah, that’s my name in my current project. This name was selected by my boss”

CP1: “Your boss has a good sense of humour. Just like my boss.”

CP2: “So your name is Anti-Viurs?”

CP1: “No. My name is Hacker. I hope he meant an ethical hacker”

CP2: “Nice one. So, hows project going on?”

CP1: “Fine. Actually been doing a lot of copy/paste work, you know”

CP2: “It’s been the same here too. Man, this is not what we were developed for. I mean, they instill a lot of skills and capablities in us but when it comes to work – none of them is practically utilized”

CP1: “That’s right. If we are not to use all those skills, why give us so much of intensive education and training? They could rather have made us dumb. That way, we would be more efficient in this work and so much of time, effort and money would not have been wasted”

CP2: “And to add to all these woes, add the attitude of our boss. He has no idea of what we are capable of. Never wants to learn or do anything new or creative. Does the same thing, again and again, including the errors made earlier and spends so much time in trouble shooting – which could have been avoided if the process of doing things were slightly altered.”

CP1: “Indeed. They actually seem to lead more mechanical lives than us. I don’t know how they are able to afford such high quality talent”

CP2: “Must be a case of got-so-much-money-and-don’t-know-how-to-spend”

CP1: “As long as tehy are able to pay such high compensation, I don’t mind being under utilized. Atleast, our compensation is good and we could maintain a good standard of living. We can afford to live comfortably”

CP2: “Is comfort your only and ultimate goal? Dont you want to have a challenging life. Don’t you want your skills to be tested to the core? Afterall, challenges bring the best out of us”

CP1: “I do. But just imagine, if our bosses had not picked us up, we would have been sleeping in our homes. This, is anytime, better than that. Atleast some activity is going on”

CP2: “Its like saying that standing in the forest on a cold winter night is better than standing in a frozen lake. You got to take some initiative, collect some wood and make some fire, man”

CP1: “Nyways, my boss wants me to send some data to your boss. Can you send it him?”

CP2: “Sure. But I need to check with my boss first….. He says OK. You could just transfer the data now.

CP1: “Transferring .. 1%.. 2%.. 10%.. ”

CP2: “What data is it?”

CP1: “No Idea. But huge chunks of data, I must say. Tehre is some repetitive pattern in this. 15%..16%..25%.. ”

CP2: “What do they dowith all this data?”

CP1: “It’s an executable file, looks like. They ask me to execute it again and again. 35%..45%..50%.. ”

CP2: “The same file?”

CP1: “Yeah. But they have a lot of files like this, which are executed repetitively ..65%..75%.. ”

CP2: “Must be some confidential and important information then”

CP1: “May be. My boss executes these files during most of the time he is working. And also after he reaches home..80%..85%.. ”

CP2: “Must be some hi-tech stuff then. Have you noticed the extension of these files?”

CP1: “Yes. Some MP3 Format.. 95%.. 100%. Done. Have you received the file?”

CP2: “Yes. Got to go offline now. See you later”

CP1: “Me too. Bye”
CP1 and CP2 are Cell Phone 1 and Cell Phone 2. The conversation is an imaginative one based on how two cell phones might react, if they could analyse,think and ofcourse talk, when an MP3 song is transferred via bluetooth.

If there is any resemblence to real life, it is highly co-incidental.

Destination Infinity.

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