My Autobiography & Tag: 7 Things about Me!

I was tagged by ‘Stung by the Splendor of a crazy thought’ to do this tag which has the following rules:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about you.
3. Spread the love and honor.
4. Award and contact 7 recently discovered bloggers.

7 things about me:

1. Generally, I am very very quiet. I am quiet famous for being silent. I can even be in a locked room for 2-3 days silently as long as I get enough to eat. But that said, my very close friends will find me talkative. I open up only with people whom I consider trustworthy and are very close to me.

2. I love tasty food. That’s my biggest weakness and till not so long ago, my biggest expense as well! I just cannot control myself from eating at the tastiest shops and restaurants. I don’t think that more expensive restaurants offer more tasty food, In fact the tastiest thing I have ever eaten is Puliyodharai and Medhu Vadai in the Mylapore Temple. One can get it for free.

3. I don’t like people getting an unfair advantage and stuff for free (without having to work for it). I am quite against such things, especially when it comes to myself.

4. I fully apply my principles into practice. For example, when I said that I don’t like to get an unfair advantage, I will not, for instance inherit my parents property (if any) because I think I am getting it without having to work for it and it might discourage me from working hard.

5. If I am convinced about something, I will work on it with extreme determination. Its a natural trait of a Taurean. To outsiders (and even family members) certain things I do might look absurd, silly and even insane. But to me, its enough if I am convinced about it.

6. I don’t think breaking rules gives me any advantage and I don’t think taking short cuts will make me live happily.

7. When I am perplexed about taking any decision (which is rare as I generally have clear opinion), I ask everyone around me on what can be done. And then, I do exactly the opposite of what the majority of them said. Its not that I think their opinion is useless, but I think that people don’t tell the truth most of the time.

Now its time for me to tag 7 recently discovered bloggers. They are: Bikram, Kiran, SM, Shree, Amrit(A), Chhavi, Saritha. Also take the award. I have inserted the image now.

Destination Infinity

These articles (Category: My Autobiography) are a part of my marketing efforts to sell my Autobiography which I will write after 31 years (when I am 60 years old). It will come in the name of ‘Destination Infinity’ – So, please buy it then 🙂

44 thoughts on “My Autobiography & Tag: 7 Things about Me!

  1. Ashwathy

    1. I agree! 🙂

    3. “Especially with myself” is the part most people forget…they never apply the rule to themselves!

    7. Haha that’s a good one!! 😀 First time I’m hearing that!!

    1. Rajesh K

      About the seventh point, I got inspired from a joke which goes like, “I generally ask my father about his opinion and do the exact opposite of whatever he suggests. It has worked for me!” – I found this joke very insightful and I am applying it to the majority of people. Whether it works or not, I am yet to decide 🙂

      Destination Infinity

  2. Chatter Box

    #2:I agree,you can sometimes get the tastiest food for free 🙂
    #3 & #4 :great virtues 🙂
    #7: Ah, so you don’t trust people around you (easily)
    Good to know more about you 😀

    1. Rajesh K

      You know what, any food tastes great if you are quite hungry 🙂 And by default I don’t trust anyone these days, it takes quite some time for me to determine if someone is good or not. Fortunately, I find the majority of the bloggers to be different, frank and good enough – That’s why I love this medium 🙂

      Destination Infinity

  3. BIkram

    I agree with point 1 , I can do the same tooo and fooood ooh yes Now you talking 🙂

    and point 3 SO true , they get it for free and YET they go on a looting spree.. SAD that is ..

    point 4. dont agree.. if its inherited then you shud take it and take care of it .. else someone else will take it and THAT is wrong too.. I understand the principle , But then for that property someone has worked veyr hard , ur parents or grand parents .. and you would not want there hard earned to go waste .. or someone else enjoying the benefits of it ..

    .. Like point 7.. I do the same Ask everyone take ideas and do what my heart says to do ..
    Thanks for Tagging me .. 🙂 Will take it up for sure ..


    1. Rajesh K

      Inheritance, is an interesting subject to ponder upon. I will write a full fledged article on that one and also dowry thing and why I don’t support both.

      In my case, things are simple as I have a brother who can take care of (any) inherited property (if he wants to). But what would I do if I was the only son or if my brother also doesn’t want to, is a difficult question for which I don’t have any answer.

      We all know about your love for food, but I notice that I have not written any posts on food that I love, at least recently. Thanks for the inspiration, I will write about that too. Please do take up the tag, we can know something about you as well.

      Destination Infinity

      1. Avada Kedavra

        I don’t think there is anything wrong in inheriting something, like Bikram said. It is not that you are snatching some property which wasnt yours, it belongs to you since you are part of the family.

        1. Rajesh K

          I guess there is nothing wrong with inheritance as long as you don’t let it affect your efforts. I know people who don’t do anything and live on inherited wealth. Which is wrong.

          But lack of property sometimes propels us to work extra hard / extra smart while we attempt to earn the property by ourselves. But if one doesn’t let the wealth to influence them and keep doing what they would otherwise do (work hard, innovate, etc), then its fine…

          Destination Infinity

  4. aryan's mom

    The last point seems to be true

    1. Rajesh K

      Well, I guess people keep lying till you get into their personal circle. Since I am always neutral and don’t get attached to any circles, I usually have to contend with lies. I’ve heard so much that by default reject and trust only a few people!

      Destination Infinity

  5. The British Asian Blog

    Interesting stuff – I think most of what you have written resembles my characteristics other than point 1. I’m more on the loud side – if I ever was stuck in a room for 3 days I’d no doubt would have kept the neighbours awake all 3 days.

    1. Rajesh K

      LOL. People better not take that risk with you, then.

      Destination Infinity

  6. Sandhya

    1. You are a quiet person? But you open up quite well in your posts! I feel I know you quite well, D.I.! You seem to be a trustworthy person!
    2. You must have enjoyed Bangalore restaurants, then. Even small hotels provide tasty food for reasonable prices over there! Temple puliodarai is always tasty!
    3. If you get things for free, you won’t give importance to it. That is my policy. If I want to give a used mixer to my servant, I ask for at least Rs. 100 for it.
    4. It is a good policy. But what would they do with the property? They got it from their hard work. My son has got that policy too. I asked him to take his share and open a trust in his father’s name and do some good things out of it.
    5. I feel I am reading about my son!
    6. It is true.
    7. You might be right, D.I., hahaha!

    A.K. asked me to do the tag too. Is there anything my readers do not know about me?!

    Enjoyed reading more about you, D.I.

    1. Rajesh K

      Temple puliodharai is much more tasty when we are hungry! And what a combination that is – Puliyodharai and medhu vadai!!!

      Not giving importance to things we get for free is very true.

      In my case its simple, the property (if any, at that time) can go to my brother. It will be undivided and taken care of. I always like to work from the ground level and then go up.

      Destination Infinity

  7. chhavi kapoor

    I am a chatterbox!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 I love talking though there are moments when I like to be alone.
    I am also a big foodie. 🙂 As far as breaking rules are concerned I have always wanted to break a few ( so that my grandchildren don’t feel that they have a boring grandmom) but I have never had the courage to do so 🙁

    1. chhavi kapoor

      I almost forgot…. Thanks for the tag…. 🙂 I have already started thinking about seven interesting things about me.

    2. Rajesh K

      Oh, maybe they could have named this tag as ‘seven interesting things about you’ – my list is so serious! I guess my grand children will never consider me boring, in spite of me not breaking any rules. I love creating unconventional chaos that perfectly abide by the law! 🙂

      Destination Infinity

  8. Aiz

    1st trait is just like me. 🙂

    how did you add this feature to add my recent blog post to the comment. its kool feature.

    1. Rajesh K

      That is available as a plugin called CommentLuv for self hosted wordpress. It is not yet available for users but should be available shortly as it is gaining popularity.

      Destination Infinity

  9. Shree

    Hey, I’m also a big fan of tasty food, and no matter where we get that 🙂 I always liked the prasad we get in ISKCON temple in B’lore. And yes,thanks for tagging me,will definitely take up this tag soon.

    1. Rajesh K

      Oh, ISKON Temple in Bangalore has an amazing collection of awesome foods. I went there just to eat, once! But it was far away from where I stayed, otherwise I would have been a regular.

      Destination Infinity

      1. Avada Kedavra

        yes the food is good there. Even we went once just to eat there 🙂

  10. sm

    interesting read
    about food i agree with you in free also one can get the free food but east or west home made food is best.

    1. Rajesh K

      Oh, I never thought about the getting food for free part. That puts me in a dilemma 🙂 Yes I agree, home made food is healthy and tasty as well.

      Destination Infinity

  11. Sakhi

    Hey you are a taurean… me too! 🙂

    And you are silent?! well, it doesn’t seem so (somehow!! 🙂 )

    1. Rajesh K

      After a long time I am meeting one more Taurean. It looks like Taurean’s are a rarity 🙂 I am silent in real life, don’t much speak to people… But if I need to talk, I can talk for a long time. Of course Blogs are different, I am not silent here 🙂

      Destination Infinity

      1. Sakhi

        Good that you are not silent here 🙂

        AND i am not a silent taurean. Hee hee…

        1. Rajesh K

          I guessed it 🙂

          Destination Infinity

  12. Kiran @

    Thank for the tag, though I feel it’s too soon for me to have my own autobiography 😉

    BTW, you don’t appear to be a “silent” person? At least, not on your blog 😀

    1. Rajesh K

      Oh, the tag is just on seven points about you. The autobiography is a section in my blog which I am writing to save some important events in my life so that I can refer to them later on when I write my real AB.

      Even in real life, I can be talkative. But I need people of my wavelength for that 🙂

      Destination Infinity

  13. A


    I had read your post in the email so late in commenting. Thanks for tagging me. I have a couple of tags pending. I will write a post soon addressing all those.

    About your comment, I don’t travel to Europe on work. Only this summer we went for vacation there.

    1. Rajesh K

      Oh, so the photos are coming one by one now… Pls consider doing the tag when possible…

      Destination Infinity

  14. Avada Kedavra

    so you are a Taurean too? Awesome.. I am one too.. And I can totally understand point 5, because of that.
    3,4, and 6 – Ditto here. Even I dont like to take unfair advantage or find shortcuts and I dont like people who do that. There is no point in feeling happy for something, which you never deserved to get.
    7 – I usually dont ask for advice. I do something only if I feel like doing it. Even if someone gives advice for free, I dont listen to it.

    1. Avada Kedavra

      And hey thanks for taking the tag 🙂 and put the award. I have given you the award too!

      1. Rajesh K

        Now I have put the award there… sort of missed it the first time!

        Destination Infinity

    2. Rajesh K

      Great, I’ve met two fellow Taurean’s because of this tag. I thought Taurean’s were rare. Somehow, I too feel that the advisers have a secret agenda behind their advices. That’s why I do the exact reverse of what they say…

      Destination Infinity

  15. saritha

    1.Me too very silent,after 20 years too my classmates told me i am same,i am silent.But with my close friends i am very talkative…

    I am with u on food,come to hyd will take you to a restaurant which serves best biryani….

    Thanks for the tag,will do it soon…

    I will give publicity to your autobiography if you give me a free copy 😀 😀 😀

    1. Rajesh K

      I have seen that restaurant in hyd – forgot the name though. But since I am a vegetarian, our partner didn’t take me there. And yes, I can give you a free copy as long as you write a very very positive review about it in your blog 🙂

      Destination Infinity

      1. saritha

        I will surely write the review about your biography,infact your book will be the first book i would have ever reviewed 😀 😀 😀

  16. james D

    Man, I just love your writings. Wants to be a writer like you.

    i have no doubt that i will buy your book “Desination Infinity”

    Good luck buddy

    1. Rajesh K

      Thank you so much James… But you’ll have to wait for a long time before the book comes out 🙂

      Destination Infinity

  17. sujatha sathya

    you are a Taurean? hmm

    completely agree that expensive hotels don’t necessarily offer more tasty food. Saravan Bhavan was one such experience in Chennai & many such examples in Blore

    point 2 disturbs me too

    you wont inherit your parents property? wow! Respect.

    1. Rajesh K

      Yeah, I just love tasty food… I just lose all sense of spending wisely when I get my hands on tasty food… If I manage to earn a lot of money, I could go around savoring the best of what India has! 🙂

      Destination Infinity

  18. Reema

    nice knowing more about you! and taurean = stubborn 😛

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